Official UFO Documents

updated: August 1, 2012
AFOSI Summary of Sightings of Unknown Phenomenon /_LaPaz Catalog of Raw Data (pdf)
Hearings Before the House Committee on Science & Astronautics (1968)
The CIA's UFO History (CUFOS, Mark Rodeghier)
CIA UFO History - Jan Aldrich
CIA Role in study of UFOs, 1947-1990 (Gerald K. Haines)
CIA Documents - Un-official site - CIA doc sampler group one (CUFON)
CIA Documents - Un-official site - CIA doc sampler group two (CUFON)
FBI Documents - Official UFO web site of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
NSA Documents - Official UFO web site of the National Security Agency
NSA Lawsuit - Frederick M. Olsen vs. NSA
NMCC Documents Asst. 1, NICAP copy of orig. file
Department of Defense Document asst. #2, actual lnk to DOD UFO-Related Documents
Index "A" to Canadian UFO X-Files

Psychological Analysis of Reports of Unidentified Aerial Objects - Aero Medical Lab.- (April 26, 1949) Paul Fitts
The Brookings Report - NASA (Dec. 14, 1960)
Air Intelligence Digest article (Aug. 1952) - Captain Edward J. Ruppelt
Air Force Chapter - Chapter III, UFOs (Dept. of Physics, 1968-1970)
Air Force Thesis - The UFO Problem: Time For Reassessment (June 1968, AF Staff College)
Air Force Thesis - UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life (June 1968, Air & Staff College)
NSA Document - UFO Hypothesis & Survival Questions (1968)
CRS Report: The UFO Enigma 83-205 SPR - Marcia S. Smith (June 10, 1983)
The RAND Document "UFOs: What To Do?" (Nov. 1968)
Ruppelt Record - A Mock Congressional Hearing - Ridge/Washington
UFOs, the AISS, and Air Force Interest After Blue Book - Francis Ridge

Gen. Schulgen Memo - Secret - Oct. 28, 1947
Top Secret Estimate of the Situation - 1948
Project SIGN Report - Feb. 1949
100-203-79 - April 28, 1949, Top Secret "Evaluation of Flying Object Incidents
4602 AISS - Samplers of AISS material (3/1/52 to 1/13/53 (CUFON)
How to Make FLYOBRPTS - Restricted AF Document - July 25, 1953 (CUFON)
Aids to Identification of Flying Objects, 1957
ADDR 200-2, May 1953,  34th Air Defense Division Regulation No. 200-1 (CUFON)
AFL 200-5, April 29, 1952, Air Force Letter 200-5
AFM 50-12, Nov. 1, 1951, Air Force Manual, Ground Observer's Guide
AFM 55-11, May 20, 1968, Air Force Manual, Air Force Operational Reporting System
AFM 200-3 - ATIC Responsible for Prevention of Technological Surprise
AFR 200-2, Aug. 12, 1954 (transcript / CUFON - actual document / NICAP)
AFR 200-2, Feb. 5, 1958
AFR 200-2, July 3, 1958, Change
AFR 200-2, July 20, 1962
AFR 200-2, March 30, 1964, Change
AFR 80-17 - Sept. 19, 1966, Air Force Regulation 80-17 (CUFON)
Blue Book UFO Reports by Ships at Sea - A.F. Rull(pdf file, 820 Kbs)
Chop Clearance Letters - Reports cleared by the Air Force Press Desk for Keyhoe
Dec. 24, 1959: AF Inspector Gen. Brief: "UFOs Serious Business"
Oct. 14, 1966: AF Inspector Gen. Brief: UFOs
Bolender Memo (Oct. 20, 1969)
JANAP 146 (Issued and tabled)
JANAP 146(A) - Sept. 25, 1950, Joint Army Navy Air Publication 146, Start of CIRVIS
JANAP 146(B) - Sept. 2, 1951  (Not available)
JANAP 146(C) - March 10, 1954
JANAP 146(D) - Feb. 1, 1959 (Blue Book Archives)
JANAP 146(E) - March 31, 1966
Project Blue Book Special Reports 1-12
Project Blue Book Special Report 13 (Brad Sparks)
Project Blue Book Special Report 14
Secretary of Defense - Instructions For Handling Visual Mateial (See page 53) - Oct. 21, 2002